David Pérez Piñeiro

I am a research scientist at Gridmatic interested in questions of how optimization and machine learning can transform energy markets, make the grid more predictable, and accelerate the adoption of renewable energy.
I hold a BS in Energy Engineering from the University of Vigo and an MS in Sustainable Energy from NTNU, where I am pursuing my PhD in Control Systems and Optimization under Professor Sigurd Skogestad. I have done research stays at MIT with Professor Richard Braatz and at Stanford with Professor Stephen Boyd. I am also a recipient of a “la Caixa” Foundation postgraduate fellowship.
Apr 14, 2024 | I was featured in El Faro de Vigo’s Sunday special section “Gallegos a la Vanguardia”, discussing my work at Gridmatic. |
Jul 14, 2023 | We published a preprint of our paper Home Energy Management with Dynamic Tariffs and Tiered Peak Power Charges. The code is available on GitHub. |
Jul 10, 2023 | I was featured in La Voz de Galicia discussing my research stay at Stanford. |